Translate   10 years ago

Bitten I walked tough the woods I heard howling,growls. I started to get scared when I herd the howls and growls. I found a dead body I screamed in terror I ran and ran. Then I tripped a growl I herd in front of me and I saw a huge wolf the size of a horse I was growling and snarling at me. I got up and then I screamed in pain the wolf bit me on my are it was about to charge. But it dropped dead on the ground I saw a man with a gun. He came closer and said "you shouldn't be out in these woods at night their dangerous" I nodded and got up. I walked home and then I started hearing,seeing,smelling, running faster then I turned into a big black best it was a wolf I'm a werwolf. And that's my story what's yours?

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