Translate   10 years ago

Always Remember I was called up for war, to go off and fight, NO! NO! don’t choose me, I’m so full of fright. I arrive at the base and am shocked to see, So many young men, just like me. We get on the plain and take our seats, We were on our way, to an awful defeat. My hands were trembling, and I shed a tear, As I could not shake off, this awful fear. I was dreading the end, of this enduring flight, As I was heading, for an unwanted fight. I had to look, for courage within, As my Country and comrades, so wanted to win. Many months I fought in war, with a will to win, I’ll never forget, where I’d once been. I battled and battled, right until the end, With the greatest of solider, and the truest of friends. The fight was over, for we have won, I’m heading home, to my dear old mum. We’re back at the base, and I’m nearly home, Thank God we’re out of, that awful war zone. I arrive at my house, I knock at the door, My mother answers, her chin hits the floor. She’s so happy to see, what she’s sure is her son, But what on earth, has this awful war done? As I rest in my bed, I start to weep, I try in vain, to get some sleep. My thoughts and dreams, are filled with sorrow, For the friends I lost, won’t see tomorrow. I was awarded these medals, and pronounced as brave, But that’s not me, that’s those in the grave. We honour the fallen, again and agin, For they died in battle, and not in vain.

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