Translate   9 years ago

There I lay tossing and turning, hoping that I drift off to sleep, when I hear a bump. I jumped by the noise then I hear the copilot speaking,"Please remain calm." He coughs. "Sean will escort you out of the plane." He coughs again "Grab hold of the parachutes" Then there was static noise. I threw off my covers and ran out of the room. I find my-self at the co-pilot's area. "Hey! Kid! What are you doing exit the plane immediately do you hear me?!" He grabbed my shirt and threw me to some guards."HEY! I AM A LADY! YOU DO NOT DO THAT TO A LADY!" Then he coughed and spat, "Listen kid, you have to evacuate immediately before this plane crashes." I run and before I knew what I was doing I sat in the pilot's spot and drove it up so the pilot and guards fell back. Too much I thought to my-self. And turned the plane, then I jumped, grabbed the parachute and just let my body fly, I grabbed hold of the string and pulled, nothing. Nothing. What was going on?? I pull, pull, and pull until I start to yank it then it breaks. Great. Now I'm in trouble. Then I think of my T-shirt, I grab both side of my shirt and I just wait for the shirt to do its magic. I finally see water, it's either the water is running to me, or I am running into it. I see a little island, about the size of a nail, then it started to grow larger and larger. My worries flood in. What if I hit the island? I just have to wait I guess but if I was supposed to die I would highly suggest making it quick because if I was to die I don't want to feel pain. I land on the water head first into the water but unfortunately I didn't die. Well I could just drown but it would hurt my brain so that was eliminated. I try to think why didn't I just follow the instructions so I didn't have to deal with this. I swim up but I don't have a lot of breath left, my brain started hurting then with greatforce I pushed up.

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