Translate   10 years ago

The Serum The serum is a wonder drug created by a company called ingenica, it was seized by the world government as it was deemed too dangerous be left in a corporations control. The world government, decided that the only responsible thing to do was sell the drug to the masses, The drugs nickname on the street is reset, because that's what it does it resets you! Your health, your youth, your vitality it can give it all back to you, but there is a catch the government charges £100,000 credits a dose so unless you are very rich you can't get it. This is done by the ruling class to make sure it is kept away from the middle and lower classes. This happened almost 100 years ago and society has changed a lot in that time, medical doctors are now viewed as pariahs by the rich and saviours by the poor. If you have and can afford the serum you don't need doctors, but there is another catch, the serums effects last roughly ten years! After that you start aging again, and at a faster rate than before... There are those however that know the truth, a chemist who originally created the original reset serum knows that the government has programmed in the time limit, and that with enough work it could be removed! Her name is Kinsey Brock and she is number one on the GBI's most wanted list, her knowledge could end the global monopoly that the government has on the serum. She has worked for over 100 years to find the cure as her blood carries a trace amount of the original serum, her time is running out, but she has a plan. She has been working to recreate the original serum and she is close! When she has a working formula she plans to release it on the Internet, she knows a group of hackers that will make sure it reaches the public then the public will do the rest! There is only one problem, the GBI are hot on her heels and if they catch her, everything she has sacrificed will be for nothing, they will destroy her research and execute her as a traitor. Her only hope lies with a GBI agent who suspects the truth and she hopes will help her..

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