Friend The last memory I had with you was a arguing over a song. And now your gone. And the song rips me to shreds every time I hear it. It opens a wound so deep that it will take even more time and tears to heal. You left, you had to leave, I understand. But I don't understand. Why did it have to be you? My best friend. My brother. My happiness. It's not fair that you went away threatening to never come back. I loathe the thought of that. More tears. The puddles get deeper. But all my tears don't matter, for you will never know how many days I thought about letting go of you, in order to keep my sanity. But I knew it would forever leave my heart un-complete. It would drive a nail so deep you could never retrieve it. I love you. And it took me my sadness to realize it. And never seeing you again would complete the darkness that envelopes me in worry and regret... ©kaitlynmb