Translate   12 years ago

When I was about 6, I would hardly ever go to sleep. The only place I slept was in the car; my mum would tell me we were going to visit her friend's house when really we were just driving around the block. Just me being me, I instantly fell asleep. <3 Like all kids, I loved toy shops and every time we passed one, I would straight away walk into it. My parents would walk in too (obviously) and begin to talk to me. I was thinking why the fuck are you talking to me while I'm testing out the new roller blades. But the trick was, the conversation distracted me from the toys. While they were talking to me, they would slowly walk out the door so I would follow them, forgetting all about the roller blades or TMNT dynamite pencils or whatever the fuck. Now that is some funny parenting <3

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