Translate   10 years ago

My World Chapter 1: Meeting Me Hi, everyone has a #life but all of us have different views of #life eg. Love #life, why do we have a #life? But my view is we are here for a reason. My name is Maia Williams, I'm 11 years old but tearing 12 in September. #life starts in your mums belly and you are born and depending on your development you will open your eyes fairly easy but when you do you don't think on how bright it is it feels like you have been blinded. But the most special moment in your #life is seeing your mum and dad for the first time in your #life. But do you... ❓❓❓❓❓❓

  • React
  • Love
  • HaHa
  • WoW
  • Sad
  • Angry