Translate   9 years ago

Heart Brake 4 "W-we like Eachother!" Said Jamie. "Hey Bloomer back off my friend Brooklyn." Said Laura. "Whateva like a care." Said Brooklyn Snobish. Let's go crew." "Hey booboo!" Said James lets sit a lunch together!" "Ok love!" Said Jamie. OMG guys he is holding my hand. I cannot believe it. "Jamie I love you." Said James. (Hey guys were changing protective. Jamie is not telling the story I will be) Jamie ran out of the Cafè. She went to ladies restroom, and looked into the mirror. She calmed down and went back out to the cafè. "Sorry, James..." Said Jamie. "Are you okay?" Said James. When Jamie got home, she got a text message from someone. She didn't no who's phone number it was. It said "Your a little bish and you should go die." Jamie didn't tell her parents anything. She got a another text " Honey your low #life. Your ugly. Just u broke your mirror." Jamie kept getting text messages from 6 numbers, and she didn't know them. She decided to tell no one.

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