Translate   9 years ago

#life is a journey.Everyday we are all faced with choices that we make and some we don't even reconise we made them.Evrybody runs into trouble at some point some more then others but it good to be able to stand for what u believe in even it causes a bit of trouble.We all get moody and sad but we also get bright and happy ,again,some find it easier to be happy around a group of people but others find it harder and that can be quite annoying around larger groups or friends. People think being different is a bad thing It's not infact We are almost all quite similar ,by that I mean most of us have two hands Two legs ,we can hear ,we can speak,we can see,we are lucky enough to have a roof over our head and that's what brings us together You might look different but we are all different in special ways and all similar in other ways so if you don't fit in Don't worry Btw-I'm only 11 Don't worry

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