Tradurre   10 anni fa

Last Light (Prolouge) 10 troopers died, dead from bombs. Arica and Gizmo had temporary deafness, from 2 bombs thrown in the rubble. The fort blew up, killing most of the slaves, as the others ran away. There were still 26 Japanese soldiers hiding behind big rocks. The Japanese soldiers were unaware that there were still a few soldiers alive. Until, Gizmo, stepped on broken glass. The Japanese soldiers were alerted, causing the the soldiers to throw their last flashbang. Gizmo and the rest of his troop were blind now, all three of them shot to death. Arica didn't know this, running away limping across the mud. Her ankle was twisted, eye swollen shut, caused from the rubble that hit her, trigging painful blindness. She ran in the mist, not able to be seen. Her sight came back to her. She eyed a collapsed building. The building was bordered up, seeing many dead troopers. She saw a misty shadow in the ruins of the remained building. She thought the shadow was a person, and limped across the dirt. With all her might, she blasted at the planks covering the door. "Son of a... What the heck was that?" The voice grabbed a gun, and stood up.

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