Translate   10 years ago

Animal Extinction And Hunting Advice Many animals are close to extinction. For example elephants, rhinos, white tigers,red pandas,and many many more. Why is this happening? Humans. Humans and their impact on the environment and illegal hunting and poaching. Humans are taking up more and more space from nature. Making it easier for the animals to gets three strikes,hit by cars, eaten, and killed in any way. Many people think hunting is very fun to do, but you can't careless when you are hunting. Some people who don't care about what they are hunting sometimes kill endangered species and don't eat them or feed them to pets. They kill and animal for no reason! An animal that was just sitting there having a good thine when you come up shoot it and destroy their #life. What did they do to you? Why did you NEED to do that? Think before you hurt. - I may be young but I don't believe in poaching for no reason Try to make a difference. - Rosemary N Miller ( Rosemary is my real name)

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