Tradurre   10 anni fa

A God? The sensation of taking a #life is like cocaine but twice as addictive. Watching the knife pierce through the skin of a piece of raw flesh. My prey. My doing. The feeling of being a God. The more you do it the easier it gets…. and trust me you will want to do it more. Hearing their last heart beat, the last sign of #life, fading away. They always run but it enrages me more….. acting like infants they scream in the corner, trembling, hiding behind their hands like cowards. Makes the deed purely more satisfying. Most of them lead a day to day #life of pure sin. I’m simply just doing nature a favour. People call me insane but I’m not, am I, I would know I was. They say things about me “I’m a demon” “I’m the killer of innocence” Well I’m not, and I do take pleasure in my job. I do wish to be more appreciated in my line of “work”. I do my work purely because I was destined to do it….. no-one else would go to extreme measures to keep the ingrates out of the gene pool. The funny thing is though I do so many “sacrifices” and the authorities can’t seem to find me, do you know why? Because they are thick skulled abominations. I do still worry thou, sometimes I think they’re mocking me, knowing what I’m doing, thinking I will chicken out but I won’t. I SHALL NEVER DO SUCH A THING! The thing I like most would be the ones that struggle. The ones who believe they should have a second chance, it makes me laugh every time, complete idiots. I don't believe in second chances, ‘cause they always seem to stab you in the back. I love seeing the desperation in their eyes, the terror ripping them apart limb by limb. It makes my job easier

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