Farmhouse Omelette I don't want our clash of views, To be a catalyst of arguments to ensue. Oh please don't read me the news... Reeling a catfish, documents choose who we choose. I never asked for this, didn't wanna hear your blues. Gimme the farmhouse omelette, and a side of beef stew. You expect cash in tips from people who never got to know you? A good mouse expects hoops to jump through before he gets his ratatou-ille. What are they paying for? A pretty smile, Some kind words, Then the door. At this point, I wait for you to crack. Like a shell upon a turtle's back. Under the pressure of an elephant. Who's truth so strong, it must be heaven-sent... I've had my share of politics these days. Sat back and watched all the donkeys graze, Overhead, eagle watches his maze, While pigs sit still, the sheep, they play. The wolves dressed up, to trick their prey, Little boy lied too much, to their dismay. And the cows came home, but not to stay, Farmer john needs hope, and to get paid.

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