Translate   10 years ago

Summer Vaction I was walking down the carnival just looking at the rides. I bumped into a man in the carnival. * I'm sorry* hand me his hand* took his hand to get up and said * it's ok*. My name. Is Lee Kiseop just call me Kiseop ok?* I started to shutter my name out * m~m~my n~n~name is Sunni* he kindly smiled. I d-do you want to look at the gift shop? Know he does rides while walking I tripped back first *Watch out shouted Kiseop* I didn't felt any pain in my back from the impact. And noticing something soft on my lips. It's was Kiseop kissing me. I was in shocked but end up closing my eyes. I'm sorry for kiss you * Kiseop lifted me up with ease* I said * it's ok thanks for protecting me* Kiseop and Sunni walked around the carnival. Kiseop said wait right here I be right back* so I waited I saw him walking to me in slow but fast speed. He gave me the the flowers. I was shocked how he knew about my favorite flowers. Kiseop said* will you be mine forever?* I said yes without hesitation. Kiseop and I kissed and he whispered in my ear* I have cute girlfriend now* and maybe cute wife that other man won't have.* Kiseop smirked after saying it while grasping my ass.

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