☁️Angels☁️The First Human☁️Our Earth☁️ Chapter 1 Once the earth had magical creatures living in it. Dragons , unicorns , fairies and spirts. (You probedly think this is just some made up story , but what if it is real...) Of course there were normal animals too, like apes and birds. The dragons were strong and brave creatures with huge wings. They had no "pack" leader and lived alone with they're family. They were also very protective of their young and they could breath fire. The unicorns were very friendly creatures. They had no wings but they had magical horns witch was filled with extremely powerful magic.They could give themselfs wings but they did not for they did not believe in vanity. They loved running and lived in small herds of 10 to 20 with the strongest unicorn as the leader.They were also good friends with the fairies. The fairies were small creatures with two beautiful wings. They also had a wand with magic stored in it. The fairies lived in the bark of the trees. They built cities like humans would and were very sosical creatures. They also had a queen fairy and she was very kind to her subjects. The fairies were only girls (sorry boys) and babies were born from flowers witch were taken care of by butterfly's. Now the spirts. No one knew much about the spirts accept that they lived in the sky and could shape shift. That means they can turn into anything. They could also fly back too earth ,but they enjoyed floating in the sky much more and they were free. They were also kind of shy ,because they always hid if they saw a dragon or fairy or even a bird coming. Chapter2 One day the dragons got out of hand and started the war between drangons and unicorns, fairies and spirts. The dragons lost but unicorns lost there powers and lost there horns. Fairies only suffered in numbers but lost courge and hid from animals other than unicorns. Smart spirts fled from the sky back to earth and pretended to be ordenary animals without powers during the war, but others sufferd. They stayed on earth well after the war. One particilar spirt" Zenera" was a gorilla. (well pretended to be)He loved a serten gorilla named Mima she was a beautiful gorilla with a hart pure as gold. He tryed to get her attention many times but failed. As they got older she fell in love with him too , but he forgot the rules about spirts. Rule no 3 was never have a child with a normal animal. So when his child got born. It was a human! Not a gorilla and he fled to the sky with tears in his eyes to other spirts, but he would never forget Mima. Mima wondered about her strange child ,but loved her anyway. She also wondered were her huband went so she searched for him ,but when she could not find him she cried with her baby in her arms. From there it went down hill. She got kicked out of her group ,because of her child. She was very lonely. Chapter 3 Mima thougt that Zenera died and she was to protect their child. She named her Mira and thougt Zenera would have loved it. She was right ,because watching from the sky was Zenera and he was proud. He watched them every day and loved his beautiful dauter. As Mira turned 5 a unicorn started to follow her and play with her. Mima thougt it was cute how they played and allowed it. Mira and the unicorn became best friends. Chapter 4 As Mira turned 17 Mima died of old age. Mira hart was broken. She cried for days and visited her mothers grave every day for 3 months. The unicorn came with her and when Mira started to cry she would comfort her. The unicorn died 20 years and 3 days later. Mira also died the same day,because her hart could not handle the #depression of the case. As her spirt floated up she wondered if she would see her friend again. Chapter 5 Above the clouds she woke up with wonder in her eyes. She saw the unicorn and ran towards her. They were so happy to see each other. She also found her mother and speciaal father. She was so happy that she turned into an angel. Then suddenly every one of the spirts changed into angels and because Zenera was her father he turned into god. He was so proud to be god , he decided to make a new earth with humans like his beautiful daugter that was smiling at him with heavens love.

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