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A world coloured pink: Blog one: The start For many years now, well actually most of my adult #life, I have fancied writing a book about my #life, why, well because it’s so amazingly interesting that I feel it would be a crime not to share it with the world! No seriously because there are things I would like to say which may in turn encourage, comfort and reassure the readers, other people and anyone who may come in to any sort of contact with it. Many things though have stood in the way of this, ordinary issues which many face such as time, money, the know how and even my youth back in the day, by this I mean I did not have the patience when I was younger to think and to then try and put these things down on paper in some kind of ordered way. Also when I was younger I thought how can I right about my #life and experiences when I haven’t really had any, now at the ripe old age of thirty three I feel so much has happened that I can’t even remember it all or possibly know where to begin. So I suppose the sensible and right thing to do, would be to make notes, bullet points, spider grams and all that jazz, but no I’m doing what I always do which is stabbing in the dark and just getting on with it, if I think too much I will scare myself and never put pen to paper, or finger to touch screen. So here I sit at 23:49 on January ninth armed only with an iPad, mug of tea and a packet of digestive biscuits for company. Another really big issue which has kept me from going through this writing lark is where to begin, now just where does one start when setting out on a piece of writing, whether it be fiction, fact, #poem or whatever, well it suddenly occurred to me this evening that the start would be a really good place, I really believe in sticking with age old traditions that have served people well, and considering we all start at the start with everything, I am fairly certain that this well trotted path will serve me well. It also occurred to me that the start is wherever I want to start because it’s my story, I know, I know I learn quickly. And being only the ninth of January 2014, then making my start now seems ever more right. I think that my sporadic approach is very fitting with my #life as I am quite often sporadic in reality, often starting but never finishing, yes I also struggle with finishing as well, but I think this is the same with a lot of people, just ordinary folk like me who are doing their best and just trying to get on with #life whilst floating around on this great big ball of mud we call planet earth. I’m just a regular guy who like many have had some regular and amazing experiences, as well as some harder times, but this collection of experiences, events are what makes us human, yes this book is about human frailty as much as it is about faith, strength and encouragement. #life comes bundled with all these things whether we like it or not, whether we want them or not. Another thing I have also struggled with is what to include, well as this is a story about me I’m going to only include the bits I want, why we’ll often movie adverts are way more fun than the actual movie, so for your sanity I’m only going to include the exciting and more dramatic stuff, and spare you literally thousands of days filled with just mundane, as good as mundane is, i am sure you already get enough of this, especially if you are human, for all those not human, please humour me. And since this is not a biography I don’t have to cover literally everything, yes this is a book which also has theme issues, no not really the theme is humanness with the added extraordinary. I’m sure that some will read this and think well that was a waste of my time and my money, others will hopefully enjoy it, and others may just get something from it, if it gives anyone the slightest bit of encouragement then I will be a happy bunny. I think the job of a writer or story teller is just to deliver a story, how someone thinks and feels as they respond to the text is entirely up to them, that’s what is so great about reading, watching films, art, music or other creative mediums, they make us feel different things, and our individual responses are as varied and complex as the reader who is experiencing them. So without further a due I welcome you to my book, my story, my testimony, whatever you want to call it, I hope it brings pleasure, laughter and any other emotions that the reader may experience as you read through what is ultimately a journal/record of my experiences, let downs, triumphs and #life changing circumstances which led me to this point at almost midnight on the ninth of January 2014, see you at the other side, well that’s if I do indeed manage to establish a finish or keep up this current enthusiasm, time for more tea and biscuits I think.

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