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Axis and Ashley, Chapter 1 ~•Ashley•~ 1 A dragon, and a man. The most unlikely of allies with the years of blood and hate between them- yet somehow fate deemed it to be so. The man of the duo once craved adventure and freedom from his broken black smithy home, to become a legendary 'Divine Knight' of the stories of old. His path and views changed, however, when he came into the captivity of a dragon he later named, 'Blacklight', due to the black colour of his fire. The Dragon now named Blacklight, came to capture the aspiring knight on his way to the Capital of Vanhelm, to both feed and to protect his territory. Though was soon discouraged from his feeding when said food decided to fight back. After finally working out a deal (reluctantly, and at knifepoint), the knight gave up his childish visions of becoming a Divine Knight under the service of the Arch mages and Warlocks, to travel the world in search of the other dragons whom have all but disappeared from the land. In exchange, Blacklight would become Alistair's companion, and help him achieve what his fathers before him never could. Only the forces in the world had already taken notice of the unusual pair, and more than once have tried to take advantage of their noble quest. Mages gone rogue from the circle of light, and Vanguards whom serve the King's military are now actively seeking what is rumoured to be one of the last remaining dragons in all the land. With false leads, traps, malicious intent everywhere and no true place to call home, the pair now wander the mountains of the nomadic tribes. Hoping that their latest potential clue to where the dragons have gone, will finally reward their efforts... ~•~ "Hoping that their latest potential clue... Duh duh duh duh duh... Reward their efforts? Hmm... It sounds good enough for now. Though how to begin a book after that recap? That's the question that really needs answering." I mused to myself out loud, fully aware that Chrissy was behind me looking for my notebook I used constantly. By this point she was used to my rambling to no one in particular, and that much I was grateful for since I really didn't want to look into hiring a new assistant. Nor did I have the time, since my deadline to have the draft of this book written by, was looming perilously close. To be specific, I had a whole month and a few days. Today was the 21st of September, and I had until October 31st. Chrissy walked over to me with a clicky-clack of her hot pink high heels, and placed the nearly completely full black-covered notebook upon my table carefully, mindful that something might spill out at any second. "Stop worrying about making it perfect the first go round' you dope. It's a draft... Drafts are brief, and full of mistakes, which get-" "weeded out in the later stages. I know Chrissy, I'm trying," I smiled tiredly at her, to which she tutted and hugged me close within seconds of the previous action, the smell of Chrissy's 'Aftershock' perfume nearly overpowering me due to her close proximity. With how I was feeling however, I didn't really mind since I needed a hug. Chrissy was a rare find in today's diverse and confusing social cultures. She's a University graduate in english literature, but decided to go on to become an assistant to accomplished writers instead. Combine her colossal brain with her explosively coloured alternative wardrobe and cheeky yet cheerful attitude, and there was no way I could ignore her like the venom green hair contrasting with the vermillion lipstick on her face. She always knew how to cheer me up when my writing couldn't flow, or if I was in a creative slump. This time however, her efforts had thus proved unsuccessful. "What is it you can't seem to write any hows'? The setting of the story? Side characters that later might become important?" She spoke in her gritty Manchester accent, absentmindedly (which was rare for her) tugging at her bottom lip piercing in thought. "Nothing like that... It's just, with how far my story has come, spanning 3 books now counting this one, I feel as though the main character has yet to develop enough to suit what I have planned. He still seems too, cheerful? No, no no. Too..." "Näive?" Chrissy offered helpfully. "Yes! Näive. What has happened thus far still hasn't changed him enough yet. That, and once those events happen- how will he be then? Certainly not as I have been writing him. All these little questions remain unresolved, and they are seriously hindering my work flow so much. Ugh, I need orange juice." Getting up from my rickety little office chair, I wandered over to my homely kitchen with the desire for cheap, concentrated yet supposedly natural orange juice in mind. Chrissy followed me unsurely, which once again was unusual. She usually started texting once I called a break for sugary drinks which I had already done twice today and she had, in grand total, sent 1 text. Something smelled of fish and it wasn't my high in protein, low in fat tuna and mayonnaise wrap which I was planning on munching down for dinner. "Something on your mind? Judging by that awkward little walk you just did after me when you normally are on your phone, it seems very much so." I commented quietly as she simply sighed as she sat at the little table I had in the kitchen but barely ever touched. "Yeah. I've been wanting to talk to you 'bout this but I've not been entirely sure how to say it. See... I have 2 tickets I bought awhile ago to a concert-" "how do I know where this is going?" "-and the person I was originally going with, bailed on me..." She continued valiantly despite my interruption. "So I wanted to know, would you would like to come with me instead? Please? I know you have a deadline close by and yes I know you aren't really a concert kinda girl but I REALLY think this will help with your book..." Chrissy trailed off with a pout when she saw the doubtful look I was giving her. Every month or so, Chrissy took one day off of work to go to a concert in down town Manchester (I lived in the 'housing districts', as I called them). Normally it was heavy bands which I didn't mind but none of them were particularly unique. Nothing leapt out at me and demanded to be listened to later on which irked me to no end. Went you go to concerts, shouldn't the memories of them be distinct and individual? Not all blur into one sweaty, mediocre night which only promised empty wallets and aches all over your feet (This is sounding more and more like a trip to the strip club... Or so Chrissy has told me)? So you could say I had my doubts about concerts when Chrissy was offering to take me to see a band I had never heard of before. I bit my lip lightly before I took out the carton of orange juice from the fridge and set it down on the counter top elaborately. "What genre? And what do they look like, details please." I asked bluntly and she scrambled to give me answers as fast as possible much to my amusement. "Electronic and hard rock crossed with classical and industrial influences! And it's just one man! He wears a mask which varies in design and so does his outfit but generally he wears dark, kind of formal clothes." Frowning slightly I considered my choices which I had been presented with. "Just one man? Isn't it a bit hard to do a solo act alone, Nevermind headline? If I'm correct in presuming so." Whomever it was they sounded somewhat interesting at the very least. "Well, he does a bit of everything. Remixes, playing instruments, singing. You name it, be can probably do it!" She stated confidently, and I rolled my eyes. "You sound like you like him... Are you sure you don't date men?" I joked, jabbing her with my elbow and she rolled her eyes at my expense. "No I don't... I just, can't get enough of his music! You need to see and hear to believe babe," she winked and this time I rolled MY eyes at her. For a while longer I thought over what I could do. In the end though Chrissy knew she was winning me over just by myself expressing the tiniest bit of interest. Not to mention she was my personal assistant whom had been with me for years... She knew me extremely well. "IF we go... You are buying me merchandise if I like them. And at least one carton of orange juice after the gig." "YES. Ok, I will! I absolutely will. I promise," she positively beamed at me, clapping her hands enthusiastically and practically jumping up and down on the spot. "It's in a couple days, on Tuesday the 30th of September!" Chrissy squealed with joy, to which I groaned. That meant rush hours galore for when we were arriving AND leaving the venue. "Riiiiiight... And who exactly is this mysterious 'masked man' who's got your knickers in a twist this time, oh cheerful one, hm?" "Well..."

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