Gravity Of my love for her. Of my passion for her mind. Of the unending desire to place my lips upon hers, never to remove them, and pehaps breathe her in as part of my soul. She understood all that I told her and kissed me tenderly in response, but ended the embrace far too soon. The look on her face spoke more than she had known. Her eyes starred into me with a satisfaction I had never seen in her before, and it was as though she had never felt loved until this moment. It was beautiful and entrancing, and so was she. She turned away with a smile on her lips, only for a fraction of a second, but when she faced me again it was gone. No, not gone, but quite different. In that instant I read her eyes, her lips, and my heart fell as though it had been weightless and only now encountered gravity. The truth was there for the world to see; she loved me deeply, passionately, but this was beyond unexpected. She spoke then, too quickly for me to follow, and as though if she had stopped for the slightest moment she would never be able to... To be continued...

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