Translate   10 years ago

My Vows When I first layer eyes on you, I knew I wanted you. When we first kissed I knew I needed you. And when I gave you this ring I knew God meant for our paths to cross and for us to have a beautifully imperfect, everlasting love. One that will live on as a breathing example of God's perfect love and grace for us. Because God is Love. And when I practice my love for you in courtship, I know that God is pleased, you are happy, and I am filled with purpose. A purpose with steps guided and planned out by Jesus and fueled by your love for me. God created Eve from Adams rib. A helper made from the side so that she would be seen as equal yet the rib is under the arm to symbolize protection. I love you Tian. I'll never forget the day we met. It was April 6th at church. I remember that first initial introduction and you touched my hand. I was captured by how stunning and beautiful you looked. And I watched you from behind the piano on stage to see if you had a heart for the Lord. I had seen enough. All my boxes were checked. I remember when I asked you to be my girlfriend. It was May 12th. I called my mom the very next morning and told her that I knew you were the one for me. I knew we would be married and now look at us. Surrounded by friends and family that support us. I was telling my dad earlier that this is the best day of my #life. And I've been waiting and praying for you for as long as I can remember. I promise to always love you, all the days of our lives. Remember that just because we fight- that never changes. I promise to be a good provider and to never become lazy or idle. I am a man of faith. And the Lord has always been good to me. (Proverbs 18:22 says) He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭18‬:‭22‬ ESV) I know He will bless us for obeying His word. I promise to take care of you and cook your favorite meal every once and a while. I promise to make time every week to focus on you and also plan a vacation every now and then. I promise to celebrate your victories and support you. And I promise to wipe away your tears when you fail. But most of all, I promise to keep my walk with God strong. I believe a righteous man makes the best husband. Having every piece of the fruit of the Spirit. I will lead our house spiritually. I will pray for us constantly. And I will love you like Christ loved the church. I love you Tian, 3/21/2015 ❤️

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