Translate   10 years ago

The ship from the sea is calling me The ship from the sea is calling to me with a blow of It's metal canon The ship from the sea is calling me swish of its main sale The ship from the sea is calling me with the ghosts of the pirate crew The ship from the sea is calling me from the many living parrots The ship from the sea is calling me but why not you maybe I will dig it up and berry it in your garden to.maybe with the left overs I will put in your sue! The ship from the see One lovely shiny morning for perl marshmallow a fluffy rainbow day. Now don't think this story is about marshmallows it is a surname she gets that a lot.Now perl slowly and sadly walked down stairs because she was moving house she would miss the house she was tiered because she had to sleep on the flor with blankets last night. "Mummm "perl groaned as she walked down stairs.

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