Mistake-95 Chapter Two: A Person Fell on Me. The sky was dark and motionless. The stars very few dazzled with hope, the full#moonglowed with freedom. For I was only looking through a glass dome. The ground was solid and not fragile, it was soft not slippery. I lay there in bewilderment. "Ouch!" One of the men, "bot-21", fell on me out of nowhere! I pushed him aside and sat up. What I saw was even weirder then before. There were portals opening and closing dropping men in dark-green suits and dark-blue suits. The dome seemed to go on forever surely it ends somewhere. But where? Wind blew from above and my instincts told me to move to my feet. My instincts have been correct. If I hadn't moved I would've been crushed. I looked around, something didn't feel right. The portals came to a stop. I heard a loud buz that echoed in the dome. The bots and clones started to form into two groups. And ordered them selfs in numeral form according to the numbers on their signs. Apparently I was the odd-ball. Just standing in between the two groups like a lost puppy. The ground started shaking but I was the only one affected by it. The ground opened around me, and I slid down a tunnel. I wanted to scream but my voice would not work. Finally I saw light up ahead. I fell to the floor landing on my feet. The room was huge, the walls and floors this time were not made of glass but of solid metal. There were machines and weapons through out the whole room. As I walked across the floor I heard talking and laughter coming from far ahead of me. I kept walking, I saw people standing around talking. They all looked...well...normal not identical. Then I finally saw him. He was standing casually, leaning on a...staff? I wasn't quite sure. I felt something touch my shoulder. By my surprise I turned and pulled his arm behind his back into a locking position. He grunted "Ugh...don't uh...err...I'm...grr...I'm on your side. Can you let go of me please?" "It's ok mistake-95, you can let him go," I turned my head, Mistake-94 was right next to me smiling. I let go, I didn't know how I did it. It just happened like as if someone else took control over my body. "For someone your size, you sure are strong. Hi! I'm Mistake-92 but people call me Blade," Mistake-92 or Blade said to me. "Come on, we need to get some training on!" Mistake-94 yelled. "Wait what do you mean by training? Training for what? What's with the signs if you already have names?" Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me like as if though I had said something wrong. "What?" I asked. A silent mumble started across the group. They were saying things like "Is it true?","Could it be her?", "What did they do to her?", "Did they really mess up when making her?", "Why doesn't she know?", "Is she stupid?".

  • Respect!
  • Liefde
  • HaHa
  • Wauw
  • verdrietig
  • Boos