Traducciones   13 años

Birthdays, a fading illusion When I was a small kid, birthdays was joyful events celebrated by the whole family. I was always eagerly waiting for the next occasion, counting days and telling people what I wanted this year. There was lots of gifts, breakfast at the bed and it seemed like everybody was genuinely happy. Nevertheless, didn’t everything seem like great fun in our early days? Maybe it’s just my memory playing tricks with me, but it seems like birthdays once had a almost magical sensation. I guess what’s different nowadays is the tension, once carefully built up from days of waiting and that very last night when you almost couldn’t sleep. Older people feel a different kind of tension, it’s more of a terror. It seems like a another year has gone and yet so little is achieved. Maybe that’s why we suppress the once overwhelming happiness about these days. However, maybe it’s not that at all. Much things loose some of their stardust when you grow old. Going to school is not the same thing as when you where seven years old anymore. It’s not just birthdays. Maybe that’s why adults can’t travel with Peter Pan to Neverland, we loose the magic in our everyday #life. For every year we get further and further away from that little child and that happiness in everything..

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