Translate   10 years ago

The Intruder " Come on Sam, it's getting late " My little brother was only 6 at the time. He still had time to live. But instead he got taken. I grinned happily as he turned a corner, pretending to be superman in his costume. We were so happy and care free. Little did we know what was in store for us... " And that is how super Sam defeated the baddies. " I shut the storybook and tucked Sam in carefully. " Night night little one ". I heard a crash. Then a bang. Then a scream. I bolted upstairs yelling, " Sam? Sam!!!! " As I burst through the door, I was just quick enough to see a long figure in jet black from head to toe glance at me. It was holding Sam tight, and my little brother was screeching ferociously. " Let him go!!!!!!!! Please, leave him!!!! " I screamed for all I was worth. The figure held a gun up and I immediately stopped. Thought rushed through my head, non-stop, my heart pounding, pulse thudding, blood cold. What should I do? Who was this person? Would Sam be ok?

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