Translate   10 years ago

In Deep Smiles are just masks for the unhappy. I say these words everyday When I look into my baby sisters face and try not to let her know that I know what she doesn't want me to know. Her face conveys the happy little girl my parents, friends, adults and relatives all see But her eyes show her true feelings deep inside Asking about hobbies "I like writing" 'I use it to say what I can't' Her friends "They just like to keep to themselves" 'And to keep far away from me' Her writing is swift, to the point and passionate when she throws them into the fire "They were duds." Apparently all of her writings are duds. Her mask reminds me of a jack-o-lantern that keeps smiling. Even when it is rotting A simple talk will end in screams A simple plea will go out to a wall A simple action will end in a grave So I just sit back and watch her rotting mask of smiles

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