Translate   9 years ago

The Bench Her gnarled arthritis ridden hands gently stroked their way across the worn old bench on which she sat, tracing the groves and curves engrained from years of use. She rested her eyes on the blazing sun which hovered just above the incoming tide. The tide ebbed and flowed, ignorant of the events which occurred on the land it caressed. A young couple strolled by hand in hand ; oblivious to the older woman's wistful, inquisitive glances. The girl threw her head back in laughter, as a gust of wind snatched at the edge of her dress. The young man rushed forward to protect her modesty. His recent freshly pressed soldiers uniform proudly declared his intentions. The laughter abruptly stopped and the girl's eyes became creased with worry and concern 'Always the hero George' she solemnly muttered under her breath, with a gentle smile playing on her lips. As the blazing yellow sun began to wane to a comforting amber, an innocent, lively young girl skipped and jumped onto the edge of the bench beside her. Lifting her inquisitive face up towards her, the young girl frowned in concentration as she struggled to place the much older woman into her fresh new world. Just behind her, her mothers gentle chiding voice could be heard: Come on Janet love, hurry up, we've got to meet your father, as the young girl grinned a toothless smile and excitely skipped off into the distance. The sky slowly turned to dusk, as a family joined arm in arm appeared in the distance. As they grew closer the older brother pulled a face to his young sister, as she squealed and poked her tongue out in return. The well-dressed parents wandered on oblivious, enjoying the late summer evening. Their lives together comfortably stretched out before them. An elderly couple approached, as the last sliver of sun started to duck its head under the tide. He was much slower than she was. Patiently, she matched his slowing steps. 'Mary' he shyly mutters 'I think I may need to rest soon' 'Yes darling' she agreed, gently smiling in understanding. In the last remaining glimpse of light, the older woman smiles knowingly. Accepting the passing of time, she reluctantly moves away from the bench, as an elderly man reaches out an arm for her to hold. They slowly wander, with slow matching paces, into the darkness. The old bench is left empty and abandoned. Embossed across the top worn beam it declared it's message to anyone that took the time to notice: In loving memory of George and Mary. From their loving daughter Janet.

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