School Days I pick up my book, I sit in my chair. I stare at the board, And my blue eyes glare. My classmates are a'waiting, Yet I'm already there. Sitting in patience, In my Rough, Red chair. My teachers asks me, Even though my hand isn't in the air. I would like to stay quiet, And sit in my chair. I move to my arithmetics place, Surrounded by people smarter than me. Simon Gallagoo & Brandon WiggleBottom, Yet Geography's more my cuppa' tea. I quietly confer the answers on my table, Yet all the boys seem to get them quicker than me. So I sit there patiently, Nodding my head and saying yes to agree. I get past that nightmare and now onto dinner I sit on the table my friends beside. Though the naughtiest boy in school. Is now sitting behind. I get over dinner and now onto Art, I painted a portrait of My nan. Yet the children all laughed, Because it looked like she had a tan! Finally the time has gone by, It's quarter to three. And I'm so excited, And on the weekends I'm free!!! That was my school day, Now they come to a stop. I really miss my bed, And in it I hop. I go to bed early, To end the school day. And looking forward, For Saturday.

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