Fredrick Julie was a schoolgirl. Fredrick; he was not. The day he went in the girl's loos, was the day that he forgot! The girls, they did not like it, They began to scream and shout. Fredrick saw where he'd gone wrong, And just wanted to get out. In haste he zipped his trousers, And ran toward the door, Headlong into Head Mistress Potts, Before bouncing to the floor. "Your parents shall be called in, And well hang posters in the halls!" "The girls must know this peril; There's a pervert in the school!" Fred's father was unhappy. "You've bought shame on our good name!" His mother interjected: "What will the Vicar say?" The next day in Assembly, he was called up by the Head, To give sincere apologies. And this is what Fred said: "Yes! I was in the girl's loos," "But I'm not the one to blame." "I was born much too late," "To have besmirched my family name." "I have an explanation," "So, your insults, please don't hurl." "I'm Fred-er-ick the Schoolboy," "In a school that's all for girls!!" About This "#poem" Written in 2001 on a whim. I was in the mood to write and my inner monologue seemed to be endeavouring to rhyme with itself so a half hour later I had the very silly "Fredrick" saved to disc. Some have said its a bit Pam Eyres but I think thats quite a disservice to her. This will probably be the last of my old poetry if I can't dig up anymore.
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