übersetzen   10 Jahre

This, I can not sleep... This, I can not speak... Running, running, running... through my mind. This, I can not keep... This, I can not wish... Moving, moving, moving... through time. I need to wind it back, I must get it back...sand, slipping through my fingers. That window is broken now, that chance is gone. This, I can not forget... This, I can not forgive... Swimming, swimming, swimming...through an endless ocean, I ride the waves to where they take me. This, I can not think... This, I can not create... Climbing, climbing, climbing, into the backseat of my mind. My rearview mirror dimmed, no end in sight, the sun goes down, it will soon be night. This candle of thought is my only light, it burns always bright for you. I miss you always... This, is why I can not sleep. This, is why I can not speak.

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