Kings Failiure I knew for a single fact that on the right of me there was an endless clay made canyon..I Know Because I've Flown Over It second metallic skipped ten times As I Felt A Small Women Like Hand, Touch my Pale White Tank Top Covered Shoulder, I Quickly Turned My Head, To Reveal The Solid Body Of My Girlfriend Casey, "Aghhhhhh" My Whole Heart Pounced Like A Cougar Without A Head, " Shhhh, It's Okay..I'm Here Now...Don't Budge...She Quickly Grabbed The Small Female Black Widow From The Back Of My white tank top and squashed it upon her palms, When I saw what she did, I Thought To Myself...(Where Have You Been) And Then I Deliberately Went In For A free French kiss and she did the same..our lips and tongue met for about twenty to thirty seconds and then My Whole #life changed when I configured out what she was, All Along She Had Been A...Spy...It Seemed Almost Impossible...But Who Else Had The Keys To Skycottic Tower but me...?!" None but me and her..They Cologned her and then sent her out to find me, witch can only, mean one thing, they copied their DNA and then went for the final form of destruction, the Nuclear Bomb..I Had to some way destroy my girlfriend but it wouldn't be easy, And So I watched as I grabbed her by the waist and then used my rocket Boots, To propel myself into the last look at my beloved creation, back when I was human and sanely mortal I was an inventor, and Prince To My former Skycottic City Empire, my father...God bless his soul...Was Mysteriously Murdered...she slipped from my grasp, Screaming Like A Banshie, Plummeting Into What Appeared Like From Where I Was Hovering Seemed Like An Empty Abyss Of Bottomless Canyons, My Love For Her Faded Along With Her #life, Heartlessness Became Compassion, And Love Turned Into Darkened Tension, "Goodbye Casey" One Single...Final....Mortal....Tears Fell from the ground...Up, A Watched through my zoom scope As She Made her final, Motion she blew a kiss in my direction and then profoundly And Courageously Closed Her Eyes As Her Head Went Directly Through A Combination Of Spike Formed Rocks, As I came back to earth I refused to morn in this situation I had to focus on the detonation of My former girlfriends atomic DNA's Bomb..I Wanted to believe that it was not really her and some kind of a Stunt double but her kiss felt so real..but then a Horrid thought abruptly corroded my mental exposure, What if it wasn't her..and it really was another renegade made fake, I mean they did have Casey's DNA In Their Grasps..but I don't have a single thing to fight for anymore or is that exactly what they had Intended, Me to predict to be true, Or false...Whichever answer it was true or false predictable to the non predicted, there was someone or something to fight for I had this feeling that there was this sadness Shadowing the city I had to travel to the four different lands before our land was decimated and destroyed this would be the legendary Journey...Of the Seven Last Surviving Members of the missing military 6project-Project X80O Is the creator that reanimated us into super weapons, Because the three of then Us Would Enter The DNA Testers Surface And Place him a gunpoint and Then Watch his whole mafia becomes a small speck of complete and total nothingness, Or As We Jungle Warriors Say..We'd Watch From Afar As They Became Unknown Presences)

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