Translate   9 years ago

Relationships Everyone always pictures how beautiful and amazing it will be when you're married. That night, the lights, cameras and both families conjoined together by two people that fell in love. Isn't that so beautiful? That two people can bring together more than 100 people. Love is strange, but exciting. No one goes out one day expecting to fall in love. It just happens and not in the fairy tale movie way, but in the unexpected and unexplained over time kind of way. You don't know who you're going to end up with and that's the beauty of it because if we knew then we wouldn't be as anxious for our marriage as we are now. Some people say that their marriage is terrible or tell kids to not fall in love, but what made them say that? They fell out of love. They didn't experience the true and pure extent of what love is. They try to guide us and tell us not to, but they are fools themselves. They think they found real love, but real love is finding each other with time. Taking everything at its own pace and no rushing. Not expensive cars, jewellery, or clothes. Not hiking and finding the coolest place to show off on social media. And definitely not setting yourself up for #relationshipgoals. Love isn't defined through a hashtag nor through a tv show or movie. It is defined by how much effort and how important your relationship is to you and your other half. Stop trying to act like you're so independent. You can't do everything by yourself and you know that. How must it be if we all think we have these "goals," but we can't even get past a lit up screen. If you really had goals, it would be to put your own phone down and make those things happen instead of showing off on Twitter saying that you will. Don't be afraid. Go find your purpose. Don't wait for something to happen, bad or good, for you to start searching. Don't go through #life merely scraping the surface of your purpose. Nothing will change if you don't try it yourself. And for the love of God, stop making everything about yourself because this generation is selfish enough as it is. No need to add to it. When you do become successful, humble yourself. Don't think you're any higher than the hobo on the street because you aren't. Destroy your ego or it will destroy you. Humble yourself and guide yourself and others to find the purpose of #life.

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