Translate   10 years ago

Twisted Past the multi-colored fish Ones with the little white fins And the red tipped mouth Far away from the golden sand With diamonds encrusted In its soften quilt The reefs with the reds, blues and the blacks are far away from the place I hold back Sunlight streaming isn't reaching My little world of columns and glass In that world surrounded by black Lies a place of isolation that provokes my demons that I have fought so hard to hold back The place itself is large in size But small in the way it's perceived Walking its streets of golden glass It's windows of diamonds And it's columns of past With its all mighty stature It holds its grace It's power And death The cities resemble a roman Capitol Filled with the power and stature of a god This god has been twisted Folded into a dark little corner Where it collects more monsters The streets are barren of people out dancing Their houses stand silent Not a soul in sight An eerie silence if the everlasting night A ghostly sound A frightening dance Leaving this place is our only chance Stay above the sand with diamonds And the fish with fins Stay out of reach of the dark abyss Always waiting yet always darkening It stays in the presents But lives in the past #descrptionchallenge

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