Translate   9 years ago

Portals, Demons, & Angels A squadron of jets roared over our heads. "How are we supposed to destroy this on our own?!" Shouted Megan. "Don't worry I can handle this lot on my own! " Darcey shouted back whilst trying to dodge the rapid fire of guns from below. "You just focus on finding Alex before this portal situation gets critical!" With a beat of her wing Megan was on her way. her wings where the most beautiful wings, they shon so bright, almost like a star that when she retracted them from her skin you had to cover your eyes. However Darcey the semi goddess had the wings of a falcon slick elegant and made her as fast as a night fury. Her eyes where bright with an intense blue glowing so bright, and dark blue veins almost like a ghoul, she opened her hands out in front of her she channeled her powers and unleashed it out as a giant lightening bolt, striking each jet one by one. Causing them to exploding, until you could see nothing but blazing white.

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