Translate   9 years ago

Tech We all have smart phones and thats great , but everyone wants the best phone . What if all phones are actually the same ? Well shocking they are all the same starting from Samsung to Iphones. You got to focus on design and specs so if you like android I'd say Sony and Motorola , but if you like Apple then it's the iconic 5S. But what about Nokia Lumia and Blackberry ? Well there good phones but you got to be very picky with these two companys not because there not good no , its because each device is uniqe for so something . Conclusion: If you like texting your friends and just social and apps and games arent your thing then go with Blackberry . But if you care about apps and games you should go for Apple . But if you would like all of this plus a coustmizable UI then Go with android . Nokia Lumia phones are good but i never exerinced them so I could not judge . Hope this is Useful -Vampino

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