übersetzen   9 Jahre

A Quick Personal Update Hello everyone! First, I'd like to start off by saying thank you all so much for liking my #poems and stories, for following me, and for all the kind words! It's helped to inspire me even more to seek a career in literature. I fell in love with English my tenth grade year, which I give an amazing teacher credit for. Hopefully all of us who want a career in literature will succeed. As I've said before, everyone here is very talented, you all have your own unique style that no one else has. Never stop typing/writing stories and #poems. I love reading all of your content more than I like making my own. Now, since the summer has arrived (at least where I live) I'm not going to be as active on Opuss as I have been. I'm going to start looking for a job, and I'm going to try to get a few things in my #life more orderly. Again, thank you all so much! Never give up!

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