Traduire   10 années depuis

Too Late I gave you my heart and soul Nothing was mine, but ours The loving part was my role Thinking of you 'till morning hours Lying down, tears streaming down my face Clutching a photo of you I will never win this race I had no idea what to do I gave you my heart but you pushed it away My love was never returned My love and my heart you wish to slay While for you I yearned I wish that I could stop loving you But you are the best fish in the sea Why can't you love me too? What is so repulsive about me? I added a few paragraphs to the end of our #poem, but I think I made them a bit too dark: *later* As soon as I heard, I rush there. Despite what I had been told, I kept saying to myself it wasn't true. It couldn't be true. Disappointed? Yes. Depressed? Maybe. But suicidal? I sprinted as fast as I could towards where I was told the body was. My heart plummeted as I read the headstone. Through tears, I read a name. The same name that had been on the bottom of a multitude of love letters. Below that, was a date. And below that, was a message: Committed suicide after writing #poem about unreturned love. RIP. "I'm sorry."

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