God Of No Faces When I was little I was told this pome that will bring my existence to this man, if I recite it this man will come but he will require A contract but ones the deal is struck in possibility is at your feet. I always thought this was a figment of fantasy nobody will save me. But i've never been so mistaken in my #life. I respect the words as they were spoken to me. Before I was done the man come. He was dressed in all black A custom made suit down to the pocket square, with slicked back right here with eyes of pure intensity. Before The shock has time to pass. The man says The contract has been excepted, it's now time for the girl to awake to fulfill the contract. With a snap of the finger I'm up fully dressed in my school uniform holding this this Journal with the words. The unbreakable bargain has been struck. I open it not knowing what I was expecting to fine. What I found was nothing just paper, but this Chanel is a reminder that my dream was real it's a reminder of my everlasting contract with the God of no faces.

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