çevirmek   10 yıllar önce

Demon Why would you deny heaven from me? The sweet golden rays blocked out and replaced with a corrupting blight. A darkenss that spreads and devours. My soul that once yearned for tranquility has been twisted into something unnatural. Why would you deny me peace? My mind just shy of that bright encompassing light, now a broken thing at your feet. A mass of barbed thoughts and vile impulses now protrudes. Why would you deny me love? A heart open to all and empathy overflowing is gone. The once haven of nurturing and compassionate feeling has been burned to ash. A crumpled thing has taken its place, as fickle and uncaring as hellfire. Why would you deny me freedom? Unbound and inquisative i used to be, my feet restless and imagination overworked. A foul rag has been rammed down my throat and burning chains strap me down to replace thought with pain. Why would you twist me into this abomination?

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