Translate   12 years ago

Missing You I missed you yesterday. I miss you today. I'll miss you tomorrow. All I do is miss you. It's been 4 months and it's getting worse. I don't want to miss you anymore. Whether that means moving on or getting back together. I love you so much. And you told me you'll love me until the next guy comes around and can make you happy. But if we're in love with each other. If we know what we did wrong before, why aren't we together? I want to fall asleep next to you. I want to wake up next to you. I want to kiss those lips of yours again. I want to feel you skin on mine. I want to tell you that I love you, and I want to tell you everyday for the rest of my #life. So PLEASE, take my hand, take a risk with me. Love me. Be with me. Please. I love you with all of my heart.

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