ترجم   منذ 10 سنوات

The Price Of White Lies Everyone knows that these fields are haunted By whistling leather and screams. The blood and the sweat churned into the mud Beneath fluffy, white, cotton clouds. Everyone knows of the bodies interred Behind the white walls of the church. The soldiers who died defending the South, The freedom of slavery's rule. But nobody speaks of the soul that departed Centuries prior to that. A bondage that lasts even longer than chains, But willingly donned for a price. You can not dehumanize anyone else And not cut away your own heart. The lies that were told as bales were sold Carved wounds that persist to this day. The hymns and the sermons defending The burden of whites to impose their God's will. The jokes that were never intended For humor, but rather to cultivate hate. Corrupting the minds of young children Rather than answer for your own mistakes. A sacrifice of generations to come To make horrors seem commonplace. The truth is that lies enslave the liars With hollow prosperity built out of filth.

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