Translate   9 years ago

She Who Must Not Be Named She just had to ruin my morning. Yesterday, my grandpa had just visited. And gotten into a car accident and broke his bone. Yesterday was also my birthday. Now, I'm not complaining that nobody celebrated my "sweet" 16th birthday. It's more about the fact that my dad didn't even know that it was my birthday until grandpa told him yesterday, and although everybody (that i thought cared about me) had enough time to at least buy me a present or prepare SOMETHING for my birthday, nobody did. In fact, the only people who actually cared enough to at least say "happy birthday" were a few of my friends and random people on Facebook. And guess what She did this morning as I was eating breakfast? She told me that I'm a rude good-for-nothing. I couldn't swallow my breakfast. Good thing she went to work right afterwards. Do you understand what I'm feeling right now?

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