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Chapter 3 part 2 n 1/2 We came across a old friend. It was Noah... On my way by I poked him and he said messing around. "Don't touch me..." So, I poked him again. Then he said. "Ahh! She's killing me!" " Hahaha! What ever!" Me and Emily kept walking. "So, who was that?" Emily asked. "It was Noah...ya know the tall dork at our school.?" I explained. "Oh! Ok...I know who he is now!" She yelled in my ear. We walked around the ponds and when we got back to the bridge there was a kid blocking the way wit his bike. A while ago him and a couple of friends decided to mess around and break medal bats...trying to impress me. "Can you move please?" I asked nicley. "No." He said giggling. "Move..." I said getting very angry. "Why should I?" He asked. "Do you really wanna know?" I asked him. "Yes..." He said and smiled. "Because we said so!" Me and Emily yelled at the same time. Noah, Kaytlyn Vance and another boy were laughing. "What are ya gonna do?" He said. "Umm...find away to get over...Duh..." Emily said smartly. "Ha! Good luck with that!" He said to us. Then this couple came over and wanted to go through. They had a Baby, so the kid let them through. At first me and Emily just ran through. Then the couple went over. "Good! We didn't want ya anyway!" I turned my-self around. "Says the boy who was breaking bats off of trees for me the other day!" I yelled and walked away. When I heard someone yell "Burrrnnnn!" Then I heard Noah dying of laughter. Me and Emily went and got some cheese fries after that and some slushies.

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