Love You He sits in his room silently, There's people around him Still he knows if he doesn't Stay still he'll be asked to Join in the kills. He doesn't want to fight yet Normal in this #life, how can He stay still they know he's Their. He can here the footsteps Coming up the stairs Why didn't he stay out! As the door opens he knows All he wants to do is to create, Read , love and imagine. The door opens a quart of the Way Time to get up for school c'mon It's only your 4th day you don't Want to be late. She lays a cup of tea and biscuits Next to my bed. "Love you she says" "Love you mum" Was it a dream, the door opens Again.....don't forget your Baseball bat you have them 6 bully's to smash shit out of Remember your father says Don't come home till it's done "Love you" she says "Love you mum"

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