Leaving Home Errrrm........how should I start, we'll first of all if your under 16 or are older and just don't care what suffering is going on in the house next door please do not continue to read. I'm not saying these story's won't have laughs yet it's all true. Right instead of a story of my #life of which I've nearly lost many times I thought I would just write story by story.. Leaving home It was a freezing winter morning the type where you have to leave your car running for half an hour before work with the window heaters on then you can just about get the ice of (if your lucky enough for it to start). This was I think about 1994 so unless you were rich your car was at least from 1987 at the latest. Gen x know what I'm talking about. I was from the generation known as generation x, in fact it was exctasy that caused me to use heroin for the come down. I was feeling cold,sick and was stuck to the radiator when a knock at the door came I had no idea why I was feeling like that and just didn't need any trouble......tap tap tap..few it wasn't the police their knock had been drummed into me from an early age when they used to come and take my dad away or try at least! Thud thud thud my dad ran down the stairs, he did his usual thing of first looking out from just under the kitchen blind then let out a grown. Yes! I knew it was for me. "LEE! It's for you" he said in that disgusted voice as he looked my friend up and down "you come here" he didn't want to let him in. Not one thing had ever gone missing from my house I mean no one would dare they all new who dad was! Yet my scumbag friends would always be the ones nicking stuff from my house until it was found later. So I jumped up and shuffled to the door James had looked in pain yet as we looked at each other a smile crossed our faces we new what had to be done. "Mum Dad"I shouted I'm going out, "no your not your looking after your little brother" (he was 11 years younger than me) I was in to much pain to listen,"ill see you later I shouted I turned to leave when a big massive hand grasped me on the shoulder I knew to run then. All I heard as I shot down the tiny East London road past all the neighbours houses who we're getting ready for Christmas was "don't fucking come back" I didn't................ N

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