Translate   12 years ago

Hardest Part Of Today Hardest part of today.. Telling a woman her daughter has died. Certainly put's #life into perspective. People often wonder what goes through your mind when you have to give the news to someone.. Well i can say its never easy. On the way to the address i cant but help think of that person or those that are left behind. I pull up outside and as i get out i start the long walk up the drive. Placing my cap under my arm i knock on the door... The long wait is filled with the thought i know I'm about to change someone's #life forever. The door opens.. How do you tell someone a loved one is gone? Often made harder when only momentarily they had been there.. I usually ask if we can sit down. At this point some can tell.. Its like a sixth sense kicks in. In the eyes i can see fear and hope. I ask them if they know X. It is at this point that time appears to stand still. Like standing on a diving board waiting to jump.. I don't want to say it but i have to.. I need to.. And then i drop the bomb. I'm sorry to inform you but X passed away earlier today' The silence is hard.. You look into their face and wait for it to hit home.. Sometimes its a flood of emotion or nothing but shock. Other times denial. I sit with them for as long as they need me to, at the moment i feel awful and wish i could take it back but i can't. I then leave, get back into my car and drive away. I feel emotionally drained. Then a call comes in and its a report of two drunks fighting.

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