Ten- What Happened? Last night was a blur... His lips touching mine. Heat rising throughout my whole body. Christopher Fitz kissed me. Me: Mary Easton. I can't believe it. Things are perfect. Too perfect. The next morning I wake up in a daze. I can still feel the kiss lingering on my lips. White puffs of snow fall steadily outside. I curl up into my blankets as the heat just kicks on. Mom is trying to freeze us again. Images of last night race through my head. I didn't know what to do. He just leaned in close and kissed me. I just sat there. I don't know how to kiss someone. Then, her pulled away and looked at me. I could my face flare up like a wildfire as he looked at me. The ride back home was awkward and quiet. Without saying a word to him, I got and went inside. He must hate me. But wait, why do I care in the first place? It's not like we're anything more than friends. We never will be. Wait! I can't think like this. I let out a heavy sigh and get dressed for the day. I will have to eventually talk to Chris. That day will be interesting... A/N: yes, short chapter. Just a filler
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