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A Dead World Chapter 1 I sat on my bed and plugged in my phone. I turned on my music to quite my mothers arguing and started to relax. The music had stopped,my phone began to ring. It was Josh, I answered him " Chloe don't look outside, but if you do don't scream...ok ," Josh said. I stood up and looked out the window, I looked closer and saw droopy people wondering the streets. " Josh what are they? People can't really be that sad," I said with confusion. "Chloe they are Zombies! Don't go outside I will be at your house soon just stay were you are ok won't be long," Josh said hanging up the phone. I stood there stunned at what he said." First of all Josh is coming to my house! Second of all do Zombies really exist?" I thought. KNOCK KNOCK - I ran down stairs, I opened the door, it was Josh. He rushed in and slammed the door behind him. "Chloe are you ok?" He asked. "Yes I'm fine, what do we do now because I ain't sure what to do now. I don't really read zombie books?" I asked. Josh ran to the kitchen, "We need some sort of weapon, so I was thinking kitchen knives for now," he said without a hesitation, it was almost as if he was planing to do it the entire time. I stood outside the door listening to the clanking of cutlery. I heard a scream, I was to shocked to move when I heard it, the clanking stopped, the room went quiet.

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