Magic In Words WARNING: this story has very adult themes, despite the young age of the mainncharacter. Do not read if stories of sexual assault, especially involing minors, disturbs or alarms you. If not, read this story with the mindset that it happens a lot more than you think. This is a fantasy for those who have a strong heart and mind. Enjoy- shane bernesser. Words are as magical as we want them to be. From raising high, scary towers that house not only impossible treasures, but perilous danger, to sinking pirare ships and saving the damsel in distress. Magic and words go by one imperative rule: we are only as strong as our imagination, and our imagnation is only as strong as what we choose to believe in." Asriel cloud, who went by Ash, always loved reading. As his wide, innocent eyes glossed lovingly over every perfectly written letter, his heart soared to clouds in a sky forever away, in a kingdom without a name. Asriel loved to write, which, to society's standards, was not what an average 13 year old boy would bother with. He definitely found trouble in it, with how often he was bullied. What he wanted, more than anything in the world, was a friend. Ash had made two real friends in his #life, but saw them both leave him behind as their parents moved away. It wasn't his sky blue hair, or his red, innocent eyes that bothered them: it was the fact that he was an orphan. Many years ago, when Ash was still a baby, his parents had perished in a car accident, killing them instantly. The only memory of his parents that Asriel still possessed, was of a giant, soft leather book that his father had wrote himself. It was titled " The kingdom Without a Name" Ash recieved this book, and felt a peculiar tug in his heart, and noticed exactly why when he saw his dads name on the bottom in scarlet, cursive lettering. "Asriel, pay attention!" Asriel's head snapped upwards, resulting in a crude word being shouted, and a detention sign hung over his neck. He walked slowly out of the room, a singular tear sliding down his pale, colorless face. *************** Asriel pushed the door open to the detention hall, and his heart hit the floor: a well known and feared fellow eighth grader named Aaron was sitting next to the only open seat. Slowly, Asriel shuffled to the check in sheet, where he scribbled down his details, along with the number to his adoptive parents, which Asriel felt guilty for. They surely didnt deserve to hear yet another detention notice, which was getting quite mountainous. "Oh lookie here! Ass got himself in detention! What you do, write another sob story? Why not write your own #life? Bet that would get a gold medal of sad!" Ash loathed Aaron Collins. He was what every normal eigth grader wanted to be: popular, good looking, and most of all, filthy, stupid rich. His parents owned a well known pharmaceutical company that sold all over the world. Asriel sometimes wished theyd sell their son. But he'd never dare say it aloud. "Aaron! Another word and youll be suspended! In school not out! Make that breath count, young man!" Mr. Winters, the English teacher in Asriels grade, was his favorite teacher. He didnt always understand why, but Asriel felt safer whenever Mr. Winters was near him. He would always sneak him goodies, snacks, even the occasional book here and there, which was a secret he would take with him to the grave. He never wanted this to end. Too bad that it soon would. " Im sorry you're in here again, Asriel. I forgot something in the library, would you like to come with me to fetch it?" Asriel nodded eagerly, a smile threatening to paint his freshly adorned poker face. These days, teachers hated a student if they so much as smiled incorrectly. " Through here, we'll go in the staff entrance." Asriel reached for the knob and tried it, which was locked. "Oh sorry, forgot to scan!" Chuckled Mr. Winters. Asriel noticed a smell on his breath that reminded him alarmingly of alcohol. 'What the...' Thought asriel, his heart on the brink of stopping, despite its carlike speed. Things were most assuredly not right. Asriel noted an exit near the student entrance to the library, which also housed a fire alarm. "Over here, asriel. Ive got something to show you. Asriel turned around and froze. Mr.winters had exposed himself, and crept towards asriel. His eyes widened in horror as he realized what was going on: he was about to raped.
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