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Chapter 1 Light was everywhere, stinging my eyes when I tried to open them. I stretched from taking a long sleep, all the tiredness from my arms and legs going away. I looked around my room I had a desk with lots of papers on it and a computer, it was 50. I got my things ready for school, which is basically a laptop the school gave to us to study with, but today was special I was going to Europe, I had packed a 2 weeks worth of clothes for the trip. I wore jeans, a shirt, and jacket. I really didn't care what it was as long as it wasn't some girly color. I looked in the mirror, uncombed black hair, light green eyes, and tan skin with freckles dotted here and there. I had a small round nose and big eyes. I really don't want to go to school, but on the other hand going to another continent sounded good, I thought. I wish I was a cloud just relaxing in the sky, then I could go to Europe any time I wanted. The only problem is that I'm human and I'm afraid of heights. Being human would be good if I were actually free living, going any where I wanted, not a worry in mind, no school, no one to tell me what to do, and no rules to follow. That would be great I wouldn't have to to do anything I could just sleep all day or play my favorite game without being interrupted. Anyway, back to school, I have a field trip today. I'm going to Europe, it's for my social studies class. I have everything packed for it. Almost all my friends are going and I can't wait to go see a castle. Knights, Templars, and Vikings are really the things I'm looking forward to. Everything I'll get to see, I can't even imagine what I'll be able to know and look at. I need to hurry so I don't miss the bus and maybe the plane. I know I'm afraid of heights but I really don't care what I'm afraid of as long as I get to go to another Page 1 continent and I can get my brother and sister out of my hair. I have a brother and sister, my sister, Annie, she's nine, and can't seem to get enough attention and it just aggravates me when she tries to get all the attention out of me.Even when it's negative she still can't stop trying to be cute around everybody I know and she meets, I tell them she's not cute and that she is only in it for the attention, but they just ignore me. She has brown hair, brown eyes, and like all of us tan skin. She has a small nose and big eyes. My brother, Sid, is twelve, he is cool most of the time and we can relate on our problems with our sister but he can still be as annoying as Annie. He has brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. He had a small long nose and small eyes. He knows every way to aggravate me and does it purpose just to fight me. Most of the time I win the fights, everybody underestimates me because I'm short, and I'm only an inch shorter then some people. I'm good at fighting because I've been fighting with my brother ever since I remember and I took Tae Kwon Doe when I was eleven, I'm 14 now. Anyway he is kind of iffy when I think about whether he's annoying or not. Then there is me. My name is Troy. I am the smart one out of the three of us. I try not to get us I in trouble but my siblings never listen. I am the kid in those movies who is cautious and smart. I am that guy, except I'm not. I do all these cool things I go skating, on a skate board, I am good at video games, and I'm really good at drawing. But really I am interested in a lot of weird things to, like read, sleep, which for some reason people don't like to do, and I'm really interested in history. I'm am weird, anyone I've met thinks I'm cool at first, once they get to know me I'm actually kind of a geek. I'm not worried about that, I think being smart gives me an advantage over other people. Brains over brawn is how I think. "Boys get down here breakfast is ready,"my mom called from down stairs. Page 2 My brother and I go down stairs, I take my suitcase for the trip, to find my mother and sister sitting at the table, a stack of pancakes are on a plate sitting in the center of the table with a side of toast and butter spread on them. My mother has brown hair, green eyes, and tan skin. She has a small, long nose and small eyes. She is very nice and never yelled at us, unless my brother and I fought or they did something very bad. My brother and sister usually did bad things, I on the other hand was actually good. My father is at work "Hurry up and eat you'll be late to school and you don't want to miss your plane,"my mother said. "How come he gets to go somewhere and I don't?" My sister asked my mother. "I'm older so I get to go places," I answered before my mom could say anything. Annie looked at me with a glare. She always tries to scare me with that but she really doesn't realize I could take her down in a second. "Im just going to take a piece, alright love you mom."I said going out the door. I have a few friends going to Europe with me, Howard, Jacob, and . I run to the bus stop, which is a red stop sign. I met two of my friends waiting at the stop. Howard is one of my friend who rides my bus, he has red hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. He had a small nose and small eyes. He wore a long sleeve, white shirt, and blue jeans with vans. He was a pretty much the guy you don't want to be around when you have money, and make sure you have your wallet in your back pack or your front pocket at all times if you're around him. Jacob is my other friend. Page 3 He had brownish blond hair, dark brown eyes, and dark skin. He had one of those good vibe on him. When ever anyone was around him he'd find a way of making us happy. He was my first friend when I moved here. He is the nicest person I would ever meet

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