The Soul Juggling Joker I manifest for you a moment of utter perfection; a moment in which you see your dreams regardless of your eyes being open. Only for this moment, I borrow to you: a cure, my love and promises of a flawless future. I watch you flutter and dance, you embrace yourself, your eyes radiant and full of awe. You look at me and I patiently wait, for just giving you this solitary moment, you foolishly surrender handing me your keys and all your trust. I take my wage, I unlock every chest within you to shelter in your inward beauty. I take all the jewels and secrets deep inside, once again, I win, I feed my pride. In this moment, I make certain you feel every string of your heart being delicately plucked. I strum at each note of your emotions creating a melodious tune. I relish the moment as a lion would with his feast, but you soon run out and become devoured. Like a prey who stops fascinating after its catch, you run out of fuel to keep me alive. The moment is over, I must take back from you now what is mine, my cure, my love and the beautiful promises. I hear you ask for your keys but I lost them already, lost them when they were no longer of need. Maybe I would wait and give you another moment, but what would I get in return? No second thoughts, I place you like a jigsaw piece in the puzzle of my past and without a second glance at my heartless works I head off to find another prey I know will not last...

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