Translate   9 years ago

The Movie Early Sunday morning my dad got me out of bed by dragging my arms and pulling my leg. By this time I was aching to death it's like my sockets have been dislocated I can't get up blood dripping, my teeth shattering, then one arm drops out of my socket. It's know lying on the floor. My legs gonna fall off, my necks so stiff that I can't see my toes standing up right the itch under my cast, the pain, now here comes the rashes scattered all over my body. Dad runs out the door to get the hospital I have meningitis I'm gonna die. Of course me and my dad just made a smashing movie about me dying. Now dad says we're going pot holing which sounds good. By the way I'm Katrina picket and my dad, who has the name of d a d. Hi I'm dad picket. And bye for now.

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